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tv   KPIX 5 News Early Edition  CBS  July 9, 2013 6:00am-7:01am PDT

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dense fog early this morning. lots of sunshine. the warmest day to come. >> and as promised, the metering lights were turned on. how far is it stacked up? we'll let you know coming up. >> good morning, tuesday is here, it's july the 9th. >> time now is 6:00. let's get a look at weather and traffic. >> lawrence, take it away. >> weather looking good toward the afternoon. found sunshine for you in the valleys. a lot of sun there already. looks like we are going to see hot temperatures inland. fog has made its way inside the bay. thick enough and dense enough. hard to see the bay bridge. even drizzle out towards the coastline. we have 50s and 60s popping up at this hour. by the afternoon, here comes the heat inland. not as hot as you make your way toward the coastline. 66 in san francisco. 67 this afternoon. slightly warmer. in the valleys, high as 95. and 85 in san jose
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. let's check in with liz. >> and the fog is definitely one of our biggest issues so far this morning. this is what it looks like into san francisco. this is the golden gate bridge. a little difficult to see. a lot of thick fog reported out of the tunnel through parts of oakland and berkeley and all along the coastline. here is a live look at the san mateo bridge. overall the morning commute is pretty light traffic. no big hot spots out there. this is westbound 92 heading out over the high rise. things are moving well out towards the peninsula. a quick update on the bay bridge. did turn the metering lights on at 6:00. things are stacking up towards the 880 over crossing. that is your latest time saver traffic. back to you. >> thank you. new this morning a japan airline's flight headed to san francisco was forced to
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turn around after a warning light went off. the hydraulic level was low. the boeing 777 safely returned to tokyo about four hours after take off. passengers were put on another plane and arrived just before 2:00 this morning. the ntsb will interview the remaining two pilots. two of the pilots were interviewed yesterday. investigators want to know why the plane was flying too slowly as it approached sfo. they are also looking into possible issues involving fatigue, illness and medication. the ceo arrives today and families of the crash victims arrived overnight. the wreckage of asiana flight 214 is still out on the tarmac. appears to be blocked behind trucks and other barriers alongside run way 28 left.
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we have team coverage. cate caugurian is at sfo with new details about the investigation. >> reporter: good morning, michelle. we are expected to get those new details we're told at this afternoon's news conference. at this point we have more questions than answers. as far as the investigation goes, we know that they will be interviewing two more pilots again today. we know both u.s. and korean investigators sat with two pilots last night. why was asiana flight 214 approaching sfo at such a slow speed when it crashed? the plane was going nearly 40 miles per hour below the recommended speed. by the time the crew tried to abort the landing, it was too late. this morning ntsb investigators wasted into time to continue the quest for answers. >> our team is out on scene. they arrived early this morning to get to work.
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again, they've been documenting the debris path starting at the sea wall all the way down the run way to the wreckage. we know the engines were producing power at the time of the crash. >> there were two other 16-year-old girls who died in the crash. officials are looking into the possibility one of the fire trucks hit one of the girls and it's not clear if she was alive when it happened. according to the san francisco chronicle, police officers examined the tires of that fire truck last night. the coroner's office says it could be weeks before we know her exact cause of death. cate caugurian, kpix 5. >> family members of the two teens who died are here in the area. sue kwon joins us live with more on their journey. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. yes, a long 10
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hour journey. asiana is flying out 10 sets of relative. 12 from china. the first arrived last night. included the parents of the two young girls who were killed in the crash. they are not speaking to the media. but this morning, we are hearing more about the heroic efforts that happened inside the plane to save the remaining passengers. the first responders who tell the accounts of how slides inflated inside that plane trapping people. emergency crews had to work with the flight attendants inside to denature them with an axe. one flight attendant is seen carrying a child piggy bag. elderly children were trapped between the seat as. jim cunningham had no breathing tank and had to rescue people in a smoke filled cabin. >> i couldn't let those people be in there by themselves. they weren't screaming but moaning
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inside the plane. and had a helpless look on their face. i wasn't going to leave them inside there. >> reporter: it is assumed the parents will go to the coroner's office to identify their loved ones. and did meet with the families before they were brought here to sfo. and more families are expected to arrive from china and korea later on today. reporting live, sue kwon, kpix 5. >> one of the flight attendants was the last off the plane despite a broken tail bone. worked to put out fires and get people out of the plane. she was calm and only thinking about rescuing the next passenger. passengers who escaped snapped photos of the flight appear attendant. the woman kept returning to the wreckage to rescue survivors. one of them was giving a child a piggy back
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ride. >> we are policeman, fireman, nurses. we don't just serve drinks and food. our main objective is to be the first responders. >> we're told two evacuation slides inflated inside the plane pinning two flight on attendants on the floor. >> more than two dozen people rescued from flight 214 on saturday are still in the hospital. 17 are at san francisco general. 6 of them in critical. stanford has 8 patients. 1 is critical. and 3 remain at cpnc. many survivors faced surgery ies. blood centers opened three bay area locations today after the crash lchlt and now the centers are asking for more donors. stay right here with kpix 5 for the very latest.
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more video and survivor stories online as well as the latest on the investigation. >> tensions are high in egypt after the military killed more than 50 supporters. troops opened fire yesterday. now the interim president is calling for new elections while supporters of the aufted president are calling for a reserve lugs. he will create two committees to amend the constitution. the white house says it will not cut off aid to egypt. >> record rainfall led to dramatic rescues in toronto. people climb into trees. 1400 people had to be rescued from a train stalled in those deep waters. if four inches of rain during the monday afternoon commute. this morning they are working to restore power and get those trains running again. investigators are trying to determine if a previous fire on
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a train may have played a role in a deadly detailment. carrying oil when it went off the track saturday. five of its tankers exploded and burst into flames. 13 people died. nearly 40 others are missing. >> a wildfire has forced up to 100 people to evacuate there. live pictures from the area. the fire prompted the closure of highway 50 in both directions yesterday. that takes you up to south shore lake tahoe. eastbound lanes reopen by night fall. it's believed to have started when a trucker's wheel came off causing sparks. >> bay area headlines. san jose police are going to record the race of every person they stop and question. they are already doing it for traffic stops. the new policy will expand the program to include pedestrians by the end of the year. find out if there's any truth to complaints about racial profiling. >> a bart station agent has
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pleaded not guilty to filing a false police report. claimed he had been attacked by a bart customer last night but officials took a look at the videotape and found that was not true. the employee union was making issues of safety during a contract negotiation. >> time is 6:10. coming up, a set back for a 10 year old lung transplant thought to be on the adult list. also ahead. >> do you think he's yelling help? >> yes. >> the 911 tapes at the center of the george zimmerman trial in florida. who multiple witnesses say is heard screaming for his life. sglt dangerous waters. what this man didn't want to give up in order to be rescued. >> dense fog and a little drizzle early on this morning. this could be the warmest day of the week. we'll explain coming up. >> while the commute overall is off to a great start, we're
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seeing usual slow downs including 580. latest drive times coming up. ,,,, [ female announcer ] air fresheners like febreze air effects aren't approved to kill the germs that cause the odors. lysol disinfectant spray does more. it kills germs at the source. and you can use it to freshen the air too. lysol... a fresh smelling home... ...and a healthy one. because what you dont know can hurt you.urance, what if you didn't know that it's smart to replace washing-machine hoses every five years? what if you didn't know that you might need extra coverage for more expensive items?
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and what if you didn't know that teen drivers are four times more likely to get into an accident? 'sup the more you know, the better you can plan for what's ahead. talk to farmers and get smarter about your insurance.
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uh-oguess what day it is!is?? huh...anybody? julie! hey...guess what day it is?? ah come on, i know you can hear me. mike mike mike mike mike... what day is it mike? ha ha ha ha ha ha! leslie, guess what today is? it's hump day. whoot whoot! ronny, how happy are folks who save hundreds of dollars switching to geico? i'd say happier than a camel on wednesday. hump day!!! yay!!
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get happy. get geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. g his fish! he was check this out. a water rescue on the oklahoma river. a fisherman caught on the rock still holding his fish. hoping to keep the fish. rescuers said no way so he had to let them go. rescuers threw him a ski line and pulled him across the water. >> looked like he tried to throw the fish back to shore. not sure they made it. >> his life is more important. >> how about traffic, liz? >> thanks, guys. we're seeing those usual delays over the bay bridge. everything is quiet though. still not seen any big accidents. no huge hot spots
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out there. seeing our usual slow downs. here's a live look at the bay bridge. up at the golden gate, we have that fog. a lot of thick fog across the coastline. let's take a look at that golden gate camera. coming into san francisco. and reported in parts of berkeley. pacifica. that's some of the locations of the drivers letting us know visibility is an issue. let's go out towards dublin. here is a live look at the westbound 580 ride. so far so good. it's farther east. so we're starting to see those delays. let's take a look at sensors. westbound 580 is pretty heavy. all the way to north 1st and start to see things breakup. up to 33 minutes. definitely in that heavy category. a street to about leverage, that's where we're seeing the real slow downs and the speeds pick up out
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towards concord. westbound 580, that's your slow down. but coming down the east shore freeway, those are still in the green. no big delays through berkley. and we've seen no delays at all. bart system wide on time. looking good. cal train and ace have been reporting no problems. that's the latest. with more on your foggy start, here's lawrence. >> dense fog settling in along the coastline and just inside the bay. headed out the door this morning, that's going to be a great day. not going to be that way at all. likely going to end up being the warmest day of the week and a cooling trend kicks in tomorrow. and the temperatures start to drop off. we have high pressure out of the desert southwest. warm the temperatures up a little bit more. that's going to drop in off the coast of alaska. and then it looks like warm over the weekend. things starting to heat up.
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take you to the atlantic. 50 miles an hour making it a tropical storm. continuing to track right on in. could threaten near main land u.s. toward the weekend. around the state, hot temperatures. 107 in fresno. about 99 in yosemite . 69 into monterey bay. we'll see the temperatures warming up nicely. 70s and 80s inside the bay. hot 90s showing up. and 60s out toward the coast. next couple days, the cooling trend kicks in. maybe a little monsoonal moisture before warming up over the weekend. no major changes in the next five to seven days. >> i like it. >> get out there and do it.
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>> whatever. exactly. >> thanks, lawrence . >> new this morning, the 10 year old girl who fought a legal battle has suffered a set back. sarah out of philadelphia has developed pneumonia in her right lung. her mother says the problem was caused by fluid. has cystic fibrosis and succeeded in getting on an adult transplant list. >> the judges rule jurors in a murder trial will hear about a toxicology report. trayvon martin had a small amount of marijuana in his system the day he was shot. this is a live look at the trial going on in florida. it just resumed more than an hour ago. focus was on a scuffle heard in the background of a 911 call. >> do you think he's yelling help? >> yes. >> zimmerman's friends and
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family said it sounds like zimmerman screaming for help. martin's family believes the screams came from the teenager. at one point, the defense called a police officer who says martin's father was not so sure when he first heard the recording. >> i inquired if that was his son for help. >> what was his response? >> he looked away and under his breath as i interpreted it said no. >> zimmerman is charged with second-degree murder. could face life in prison if convicted. >> jury selection begins today in the trial of army psychologist arrested for a mass shooting in 2009. 13 people were killed and dozens others injured. major hasan is acting as his own attorney. jury selection is expected to last a month. >> irs is doing damage control. mistakenly posted more than 2,000 social security numbers online. government officials say they are assessing the
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situation. no word of any identities have been stolen. the error was first reported by the national journal. >> coming up, debuted delay. why the new bay bridge will not be opening this labor day weekend. >> and a desperate for a win. the giants taking on the mets. they went 16 innings. who won the game? we're going to tell you. >> what's cool about your school? you can submit your nomination on our web site. we may come out and feature your school right here on our show. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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giants and mets played extra nd-t park. all right. you want to head out to the ballpark, we have the giants and the mets. and the giants could use extra fans there. should be cool and fair. partly cloudy skies. >> and
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still no big accidents chp reports. delays over the bay bridge. backing up close to the maze. fog across the golden gate and no delay right now. the latest time saver traffic coming up. >> giants can use any help right now. talking baseball. they had the met s in town. buster posey had a monster game. five hits and tied it up in the 7th. the go ahead run. the game winning run . new york won it 4-3. ouch. first place oakland as only needed 9 innings. good game though. 2-1 oakland. out there in center . he's going, he's diving and catching. relief pitcher recorded save.
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most consecutive saves in oakland history. as win again. play of the day . another great catch. this time it's the brewers ending game. go ahead home run. is it gone? up he goes, gomez is coming back in. that's an out. won it 4-3. >> coming up, trying to save the school. the change is being implemented at city college. plus. >> i may have been through hell and back. >> held captive for a decade. the victims speak publically for the very first time. >> and i'm cate caugurian live at sfo. the investigation into the crash of asiana flight 214 continues today. why the focus is shifting into the cockpit.
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people were saying run, run, run. >> new video shows the smoking plane seconds after impact. >> we're hearing stories from first responders, stories of hee owism and bravery. -- heroism and bravery. >> are you a hero? >> he's a hero. >> did culture play a factor in the crash? >> 60 to 80% of all aviation accidents happen to human error. >> may have been through hell and back. >> three women held captive for a decade are breaking their silence. >> blessing to have such an out
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pouring of love and kindness. >> we are very sorry for the delay. >> the bay bridge will not open as planned. >> frustrating to say the least. >> from across the bay to around the world, the stories that matter this morning. >> good morning, everyone. it's tuesday july the 9th. good to have you on board. i'm frank mallicoat. >> and i'm michelle griego. time is 6:30. let's get a look at weather and traffic. it's a good day to get out there. >> get out there and do whatever you want to do today. enjoy it. it's going to be nice. a little thick early on. i think things change throughout the morning and by the afternoon, some of the warmest temperatures of the week. outside right now we did manage to find sunshine there. plenty of thick fog has moved in. the tower is hidden there in the background. even some drizzle there as well. temperatures running in the 50s and low 60s at this hour. by the afternoon,
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we'll become mostly sunny and start to warm things up nicely. about 95 getting hot. 81 in milpitas. a lot of 90s. warmer temperatures this afternn . inside the bay should be comfortable. about 67 degrees. and 73 mostly sunny . let's check out the roadways with elizabeth. >> thank you, lawrence. we've settled into our nice quiet summertime traffic pattern. there's less gridlock on the roads. fewer accidents. mass transit is running on time. there's your gift on your morning commute. here's a live look at 880 at 66. no problems all the way up towards downtown. getting a look at the bay bridge, it is a pretty typical commute here. stacked up close to the maze. metering lights were turned on around the time they are turned on. so we're seeing about 15 to 20 minutes to get you on to the bay bridge. a check of all your mass transit.
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back to you guys. >> thanks. the families of the victims of the plane crash are now at a hotel in berlingame. had umbrellas to shield them from news cameras. shuttled them directly to the crown plaza hotel. this morning you can see the plane that crash landed saturday still out there on the tarmac. the investigation continues. the wreckage alongside run way where it came to rest saturday. cate caugurian is at sfo as well. ntsb is working to get the wreckage plane away from the run way and out of the airport. that investigation continues. >> reporter: that's right. there's still a lot of work to be done. investigators tell us they hope to have more information this afternoon. but that's after they interview two more pilots in control of the plane at the time that it crashed. investigators are trying to figure out what the pilots were doing moments before
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the plane touched down. the ntsb says the plane was flying too low and almost 40 miles an hour slower than the recommended speed for a landing. two other pilots were interviewed last night. being interviewed by both u.s. and korean investigators. a run way at sfo is still shut down. we spoke with ntsb just this morning about when investigators plan to move the wreckage off the tarmac. >> we're going to have to make decisions about how it's removed and take the parts we're particularly interested in and preserve those and put those in a location where we can do further tear downs and further examination. that entire structure is going to be moved off the airport property. >> another investigation is underway. officials believe one of the girls who died may have been hit by a fire truck. but not sure if she was alive when it happened. could be weeks before we know the exact cause
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of death. but we do know the san francisco police department examined that fire truck according to the san francisco chronicle. an investigation is still underway in that regard. cate caugurian, kpix 5. >> in china, classmates of the victims held a candle light memorial last night. friends say ye meng yuan loved music and wang lin jia wanted to be a journalist. the two teens were part of a student group headed to southern california for a summer camp. the president and ceo of asiana airlines apologized to the families of those teens in person in south korea. >> some of the first responders ran up the emergency chutes. once they were inside the plane, they put out flames while fraeing passengers who were -- freeing passengers while were trapped inside. >> we had elderly. we had a
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woman with a gentleman standing over her. somebody that was partially trapped. as it turns out, there was a small person stuffed between the seats. >> passengers are also giving credit to the flight crew for quickly getting people off the plane and saving many lives. >> right now major delays are expected throughout the day at sfo because of the run way that continues to be closed. today a traffic management program is in place causing arriving flights to be delayed by two and a half hours. so far no delays at oakland international or minetta. hundreds of passengerss have been stranded. 200 on sunday night. on monday, 50 outgoing flights were canceled and some passengers had their travel plans scrapped more than once. stay with kpix 5 and for the latest.
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more video of the plane crash from viewers and survivor stories online as well as the latest on the investigation. >> new this morning, japan airline flight bound for san francisco was forced to turn around after a warning light went off. the hydraulic level was low on the plane that could affect the wind flaps. safely returned back to tokyo about four hours after it lifted off. 236 passengers were put on another plane and arrived before 2:00 this morning. >> for the first time, we are hearing from the three women held captive for years in a cleveland house. they posted a video last night. shares the message they have for everyone. >> i want everyone to know how happy i am to be home with my family, my friends. >> smiling and composed, amanda berry, gina and michelle knight speak out. their message, one of thanks. >> it's been a blessing to have out pouring of love and
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kindness. >> i would say thank you for the support. >> berry and the others have been reunited with their families. they ask for their privacy but say they are growing stronger everyday. authorities say the women were kidnapped as teenagers and endured countless sexual assaults by ariel castro who is facing 329 charges for rape and kidnapping. >> i may have been through hell and back but i am strong enough to walk through hell with a smile on my face. and with my head held high. >> in the three minute long video, the women never utter castro's name but knight speaks of faith and forgiveness. >> i don't want to be consumed by hatred. with that being said, we need to take a leap of faith and know god is in control. we have been hurt by people, but we need to rely on
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god as being the judge. >> the women have received a lot of support from the cleveland courage fund. the foundation collected about a million dollars to help the women. they are asking for more donations to keep that support going. >> no one will be driving on the new bay bridge span any time soon. the fix for the bad bolts, it will take longer than expected. the labor day week aend opening has been scrapped. cal trans needs more time to install a medal saddle to replace the 32 snapped bolts. >> essentially you might look at it as our belt broke and we are putting on suspenders and need to get the suspenders fabricated and installed. >> moving the work to winter months could present challenges like shorter day as and potentially wet weather. there does not appear to be a problem
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with the other bolts being questioned. bart workers may walk off the job next month. agreed to extend contract for 30 years. due back at the table on friday in hopes of coming up with an agreement before that deadline. >> other bay area headlines. at least one person died in sunday morning's fire in redwood city. they are checking for other possible victims. people living on the first and second floors will be escorted to pick up things they may need. too dangerous to let people return to the third floor. >> and no longer run by elected board of trustees. yesterday state officials appointed robert agrilla as a special trustee in an effort to prevent the school was closing. will receive spending but not be able to dismantle labor contracts. last week, the school will lose accreditation next year. >> time is 6:39.
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pulling the troops. early withdraw plans from afghanistan. >> early ipads or budget iphone? the apple rumor round up coming up. >> the market opened up about ten minutes ago. let's get a look at the early numbers. what is it looking like on this tuesday morning? let's see. there you go. it's looking pretty good. an update from financial reporter jason brooks. afghanistan more quickly th,
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for over 60,000 california foster children, having necessary school supplies can mean the difference between success and failure. the day i start, i'm already behind. i never know what i'm gonna need. new school, new classes, new kids. it's hard starting over. to help, sleep train is collecting school supplies for local foster children. bring your gift to any sleep train, and help a foster child start the school year right. not everyone can be a foster parent, but anyone can help a foster child.
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[ female announcer ] gentle lilac... ...fungi still there. ocean breeze... ...e. coli still around. air fresheners like febreze air effects... aren't approved to kill the germs that cause the odors. lysol disinfectant spray does more. we call it healthing... because it kills 99.9% of germs that cause odors at the source. and now you can use it to freshen the air too. lysol... a fresh smelling home...
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is seriously considering a proposal u.s. troops might be getting out of afghanistan more quickly. the white house considering a proposal that's scheduled to happen by the end of 2014.
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previously said it would leave a small contingent behind. now a senior administration official says all u.s. troops might be out by the year 2014. >> let's get another check on the weather. foggy out there right now. >> high pressure overhead. dense fog to start the morning. that's going to take time to breakup. warmer temperatures around the bay area. high pressure builds in. a lot of sunshine in toward the afternoon. probably the warmest day of the week. after that a cooling trend. high pressure going to build in. that will warm these temperatures. area of low pressure that's going to start to settle in toward tomorrow and right through friday. enjoy the sunshine today. it is going to be hot inland. delays at sfo over two and a half hours this afternoon. 72 the expected high there.
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thunder storms could be the problem. 95 in denver. thunder storms likely. and more thunder storms as you make your way into new york. temperatures in the 70s and 80s. 95 in morgan hill. getting hot there. inside the bay, 60s and 70s. sunshine by the afternoon. next couple days start to cool down. the temperatures through thursday and friday. and slow warming expected. let's check out the roadways with elizabeth. >> want to mention we're getting word of what sounds like a bad accident. five cars coming into san francisco. northbound 280 at geneeva. we're watching another new accident. in an area where we're seeing problems reported. this is in richmond. one lane is blocked. and now traffic is backing up behind it. even a little after it. the drive time coming down the east shore
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freeway. went into that slow category up to about 25 minutes on westbound 80. another slow spot is just your usual commute through the valley. that westbound 580. take you out towards the inter change. and right there around a street all the way out towards the bridge that's where we see the slow downs. and a little sluggish as well. system wide for bart. let's go out towards your bridges and see what it looks like this morning. the san mateo looks great. eastbound coming off the high rise. you are stacked up fully into the maze. back to you guys. >> thanks. iphone sales are falling short of apple expectations. >> here is financial reporter jason brooks on this tuesday. good morning. >> good morning.
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lots of expectations as we hear the speculation about the cheaper iphone on the way as early as september. there is a warning that apple sales are not going as expected. they are expected to get component orders cut by 20% from apple. some of that is because of what samsung warned. it expects to sell $10 million of galaxy s 4 phones. that's about $5 million under initial expectations. a lot of challenges in the smart phone market. everybody's got them now. they have to price them a little bit less going forward. companies in the valley exchanging positions in the exchanges. joining the nasdaq 100. moving over to the new york stock exchange.
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very prestigious position joining quicker than netflix. around $14 billion. expects to sell 21,000 of those models this year. doing quite well. shares right now up about 2%. stock market off to a good start after a decent run. the dow up 66 points the s&p gaining 8 points. apple shares are down by a half percent. back to you. >> all right. jason brooks, thank you. >> and jason did mention apple saying that a cheaper iphone. >> here for the apple rumor round up. lots of stuff stirring up. >> having a bit of an issue. because we're reaching saturation. most of us who want a smart phone have one.
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i've been getting so many questions lately about what's next but we do a quick round up here. first of all, the possibility getting a new ipad. expect that in september. also maybe better battery life. the ipad mini has a thin one. they may make a thin one. and also get it thinner due to new technology. another thing is what would happen between the ipad mini. may get the retina display. the one you almost can't see the dots on. it's so good. may get that soon either end of this year possibly early next. notice how these are incremental improvements. now, how about the iphone? the new iphone would be an iphone 5s.
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and that could bring us we don't think a bigger screen but up to 128 giga bites which would be a new high and also longer battery life. possibly a thinner design. but better cameras are probably the most additional upgrade. it is the best camera out there. never mind it's also a smart phone. >> will this make a difference? >> here's the bigger upgrade. that's been the rumor lately. we think it's possible late this year or early next. it's a little hard to read. the whole new category. but the growth is in the lower cost market. got to come in with a smaller iphone that is reduced in specs and going to be able to cost less. and overseas markets it's important. but a lot of folks will not pay $200 for that phone even though subsidized with
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activation. used to getting 49 or 09 phones. >> how much smaller? >> a little thinner is always possible. apple knows thinner sells well. in terms of smaller on the screen size, might go back to the previous screen size or even smaller than that. which makes it interesting, then becomes more pocketable. >> hoping this will send the sales up. >> none of these are revolutionary. that's where we are right now. >> all right, brian. find more of his tech segments. go to >> time for a look at what's coming up later. >> norah is in the big chair. >> we love brian here too. ahead, captain sully on the new information released about the sfo plane crash and why pilots are upset about the investigation. plus they have been through hell and back. you are going to hear from the three
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women held captive in a cleveland home. really strange new revelations about how osama bin laden has been held captive. here with some of the most interesting details. one of them involves a cowboy hat. the news is back in the morning. see you at 7:00. >> country music star randy travis is in critical condition this morning. >> he was taken to a texas hospital on sunday. he's suffering from a heart infection called viral cardiomyopothy. had a concert scheduled in south dakota for tomorrow. this came on quickly. mariah carey said to be doing fine after she had to go to the hospital after her shoulder reset. got hurt sunday night while filming a video. expected to do a benefit concert on saturday. >> reporter: i'm cate
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caugurian. coming up on kpix 5, the investigation into what caused an airlines flight 214 crash continues. who investigators are talking to today. ,,,,,,,,
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for over 60,000 california foster children, having necessary school supplies can mean the difference between success and failure. the day i start, i'm already behind. i never know what i'm gonna need. new school, new classes, new kids. it's hard starting over. to help, sleep train is collecting school supplies for local foster children. bring your gift to any sleep train, and help a foster child start the school year right. not everyone can be a foster parent, but anyone can help a foster child.
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welcome back to kpix 5 this morning. u.s. and korean investigators are sitting down with two pilots from asiana airlines flight 214. investigators want to figure out what happened the moment before the crash. the ntsb says they'll look for things that affect human performance such as fatigue, illness or medication use. two other pilots were interviewed last night. the big question for all four, why was
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the boeing 777 approaching sfo at such a slow speed when it crashed. the ntsb says it was going 40 miles an hour below the recommended speed. another investigation is underway. officials believe one of the girls killed in the crash may have been hit by a fire truck. investigators say they are still not sure if she was alive when it happened. we spoke with the ntsb just a few hours ago. they tell us that there will be another scheduled news conference today where we are expected to get more information. reporting live, cate caugurian kpix 5. >> a japan airline flight headed to san francisco was forced to turn around after a warning light went off. apparently the hydraulic level was low affecting the wind flap. the boeing 777 safely returned to tokyo about four hours after take off. passengers got to sfo on another flight. >> last look at traffic and weather. i guess you have quite a crash.
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>> five car crash. two possibly overturned. the commute was so quiet up until a few minutes ago. northbound 280 approaching geneva avenue. our sensors haven't caught up yet. there is dense fog in that area. be careful. five cars involved in that crash. also in richmond this morning, we have a slow down because of another crash. no injuries reported here. but it is beginning to stack up. we're seeing about 15 minute delays there. and taking a quick look outside. this is what it looks like across some of our freeways this morning. it's only getting thicker. so with more on our foggy forecast, let's go over to lawrence. >> that ridge of high pressure building overhead. overlooking san jose, gray skies there. by the afternoon, we'll see plenty of sunshine coming your way. temperatures in the 50s.
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a few 60s already. 62 in livermore. and 53 in san francisco . a little drizzle out toward the coastline. by the afternoon, patchy fog. 70s and 80s around the bay. and this will be it. the peak of the heat, then temperatures start to cool off on wednesday and thursday. and probably through friday and looks like a little warmer over the weekend. >> it's warm but cool at the coast. >> a big breakdown in temperatures. >> chamber of commerce called and said nice forecast. >> very happy with you. >> good. somebody is. i'll take anybody. >> all right. thanks, lawrence. and thank you for watching kpix 5 news this morning. next local update is at 7:25. >> and cbs this morning is coming up next. have a great day, everybody. and see you at noontime. take care.
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good morning to our viewers in the west. it is tuesday july 9th, 2013. welcome to "cbs this morning." hell and back. the women held captive for a decade in cleveland break their silence this morning. how could a traffic cop see osama bin laden and not recognize him. stung details from a report. two of america's most powerful lawyers and the the motion picture association fighting. they are here to tell us. we beginning this morning with a look at today's eye-opener, your world in 90 seconds. >> i want everyone to know how happy i am to be home with my family. >> thank you for the support. >> i'm looking forward


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